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I’m Moving


About 2.5 weeks ago, I got the call that I was accepted on the World Race. At that point, I had just come home from a mini domestic World Race where I visited 6 states over the summer spending time with family and friends. I like to be on the move.


God has paved a way for me to keep moving.


I’ve been thinking about all the moving I’ve been doing over the past few years and how when I call my oldest sister and she says “Where in the World are you today?” I smile because I like the road. I like the spin of ending up in new places and wondering what will happen while I’m there. I love new landscapes and meeting people and asking questions that usually give me the nickname “Reporter.” I love to explore, to daydream and to find out what another person’s reality looks like. I love to be on the move.


This is one of those sweet personality changes that the Lord gave me when I first started asking Him to change my heart. I used to get a little paralyzed by anxiety when I traveled. The ideas of new beds and unknown comfort zones kept me shaky. And now look. I can’t sit still for long and I certainly won’t have to next year.


I’ll be moving. Moving beds. Moving cities. Moving friendships. Moving languages and nations and lenses and landscapes. Hopefully moving hearts too. Hopefully more than my own.


It’s a real wild ride thinking about what got me here. When I sit and let myself think “Huh,” I go to wondering what would happen if I hadn’t given my life to Christ 4 years ago. I think about the pessimism in my heart, the cold view of love and relationship, the wiry roots of bitterness I had let wrap around my worldview and the utter confusion about my personhood. I think about my false sense of liberal security, my tone issues and my unending need to control everything and everyone around me.


Thank you Jesus for how you took a bucket full of hope and poured it over my head slowly and all at once.


I found my faith on my knees the night after my sister jumped off a cliff. I found it fumbling around in the dark looking for meaning and the answers to unanswerable questions.


But I found it. I found Him.


And He was there, like a soft fall. Like he breathed a sigh of relief to see me just Let. It. Go.  And carefully with apprehension, I let him reach into my heart and clean out the maze of ick I had carefully compartmentalized.


God Moves.


He moves hearts and fears and barriers and opinions and big ugly giant problems and with a paintbrush sweep he can move any situation into beauty.


I’ve been moving since the day I said “Yes Lord, you can have my heart. I trust you.” And via the World Race, I’ll keep moving, along with about 30 others with the same zing in their heart and the same energy in their steps.


I can’t wait to see their faces and hear the sounds of their voices and the stories behind their inflections. I’m excited to look at them and see pieces of the same dream God has put in my heart – a dream to see the unreached, reached and those without hope, hopeful.


God is moving, so we will move and he will move inside of us while he helps us teach others how he moves and can move inside of them.


Thankful I’m moving. Thankful I’ve been moved.

6 responses to “Moving”

  1. Love your heart for Jesus and for sharing the Good News of His love. We are excited for you and the amazing journey ahead!

  2. Haha! I’m laughing at the thought of you being confused as to whether or not you are proud of me. LOVE you friend!

  3. Sheri! Having you on my prayer and support team is such a gift. Thank you for always encouraging and believing in my heart and the dreams God has given me!

  4. Beloved (I like that title, I learned it from Kay Arthur who impacted my life in a profound way over the years through her Bible studies), Greg and I lift you up in prayer as you’re about to deploy into the world in Jesus’ name. May your journey take you deeper still into your walk with the Lord giving you purpose and a great sense of His presence in all that you do. May you be a vessel of His love poured out on all that you come in contact with and may His chosen come to know their Lord and Savior because of your grand efforts. Onward Christian Soldier!! With love and admiration! Cindy & Greg